The leader of the Hubologists asked me to get her spacesuits. Met a strange man who invited me to join Hubology. If one inserts 4 fusion cores instead of 3, Dara and the rest of the Hubologists will explode on the spaceship ride. Possibly two fusion cores from a sentry bot patrolling the area just outside the spaceship.In a mounted bear's mouth, in a tunnel below the central pile with some crickets, ants and landmines.one can simply hop into it from the above walkway which led to the power distributor. In the same barn, the orange gondola car hanging in the air has a core sitting on its floor.
In the nearby barn, there is a generator with a core. Inside a large tea cup on a ledge above the aforementioned subway car, south of the spaceship. The core is on a shelf to the right as one enters. The car is at the bottom of the ramp from the spaceship. In the subway car with a lantern hanging by the door. If one chooses to not kill them, Dara gives them 100 ammo for the alien blaster and all of the Hubologists relocate to the large barn northeast of the spaceship.ĥ-7 fusion cores can be found in the area: However, make sure that the player character is not currently wearing power armor, as the ride is bugged and wearing any power armor during it will cause the quest to be incompletable see below for more details. Follow them inside and activate the ride to finish the quest. Once at least 3 cores and the distributor are placed, the Hubologists will enter the spacecraft. However, adding the fourth core will result in the death of the Hubologists. Adding three cores, as Dara suggests, will result in a good end to the quest. Once cleared, collect the power distributor and some Fusion cores from the junkyard and go to the spaceship ride. For this Dara will reward them with the Hub's Alien Blaster.
Follow the Hubologists to the Nuka-World junkyard to clear it from robots (either alone or with their help) or tell them the player character has cleared it already. Gather 5 spacesuit costumes from the Vault-Tec: Among the Stars area of the Galactic Zone and bring them to Dara Hubbell.